Friday, February 4, 2011

"Come see my bridge."

Last weekend I went up to west Marin county, (the land that time forgot,) to see Bolinas, (the town that doesn't exist.) All this is another story in itself, which I'll get to soon enough, but, I got out of my car at one spot to film a 30-second introductory clip and this guy, (Robert Brian Spencer,) invited me up to see his homemade, 125' suspension bridge.

Of course I went!

When I got around to his gate, the first thing I notice is that it's very unlikely that he would happen to be in that spot at the exact right time I was there. It's at the far front corner of his property with nothing there for him to be there for.

He's got a cool setup there. He uses a wood-burner to heat water from his well, which warms other water, which keeps his house warm. I filmed it all and have made a video of it, but, I'm not releasing it yet. I'm not satisfied with it and want to rework it.

However, here is, "Come see my bridge," the 3-minute video of his cool bridge.

He made this bridge out of plastic milk-crates from Safeway, and steel cable. It's a suspension bridge, just like the rope bridges you see in South America or somewhere.

Without further ado, let's go see his bridge.

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