My buddy Bill and his wife Tami have been having computer problems lately. In fact, he was locked out of his computer, even as the administrator! Hers was still accessible, although problematic.
They've constantly had problems, even until their security was telling them it was expired. Since they have Norton free due to their Comcast account, it couldn't exactly be expired, although it might be not updated and/or turned off!
So, I went over there for the day and went crazy on their computers. I uninstalled her security and installed AVG free, then scanned her computer and cleaned out 1/2 dozen virus'. I installed Spybot S & D, (make sure you get 'S & D,' if you get it, because there is a Spybot malware out there, too.)
Then with his, I had to try to crack his administrator password to get him in. I've never done this before, although I've heard there are several ways to manage it. Finally, I was able to find a back door I could use to get in and reset his administrator password. Then we uninstalled Norton from his and installed AVG free, scanned it, and cleaned up 10 - 12 virus'.
Did a bunch of other stuff, too. Lots of little and not so little things, but, those were the main things. He was worried about not being able to get in and did he have a virus, and what kind of harm could it cause, etc... Want to hear something funny? (Maybe NOT so funny, but...)
While we were working on this he got a phone call from a Toyota dealership where he's apparently trying to buy a car. Except, he's NOT. I made him immediately call TransUnion, and the other two, and place 'Alerts' on his accounts about possible identity theft.
We don't know if these are related, but, it's possible and more importantly, it's dangerous. He was not running up to date security and wasn't even aware of it until he got locked out of his own computer. He's used the same password for several years now, and is positive he didn't forget it. If that's true, the only other option I know of is that it was changed.
That's bad news in general, but, it was good for me. I've never done this before. I've heard there are ways to get in, but, I didn't know them. I've never spent much effort on it, because, after all, I'm not into hacking. I also don't have any schooling in computers or programming, even though I enjoy it pretty well.
You've got to remember, when I got out of prison 5 1/2 years ago I didn't even know how to use a cell phone, and I haven't taken any classes, (although I'd like to if only I had the money.) So, it was a fun day and I got to do my buddy some good.
Which is really great since it was too wet to reinstall my transmission in my Honda. It was going bad and we got another from a wrecking yard and installed it. After all that effort, it didn't work, so we have to do it over.
Well, it was a great day, overall. I learned a lot and had fun doing it.
jou loved your blog this is my first one and im having a blast looking forward to starting my the way thanks locked out.