The last few weeks I've, let's see, gone to Mount Tam, (O'Rourke's Bench,) where nearby I could overlook Stinson Beach and Bolinas:
Down in Fremont there is Mission Peak. They say if you can do it twice in one day, you can probably do Half Dome. The more I think about it, the more I think I best do Half Dome! I'm not getting any younger. It's not going to get any easier. So, I'm thinking of applying for a permit in this years lottery.
Anyway, Mission Peak:
In fact, my last entry was me and Keith going to Berry Creek Falls from Waddell Beach!
Man, that's been a while!
Keith's gone home to Cheyenne, WY. He says he'll be back, but, that's another subject for later.
I haven't been very active lately, (the last few months,) but I'd best get busy or decide I've been lying to myself that I might actually be able to make the Half Dome hike.
I hate liars, so I guess I'd better get in shape, huh?
Meanwhile, just today I got to SMOG a Lamborghini Gallardo:
Since it's all-wheel-drive we don't run it on the dyne, (the ASM, Acceleration Simulation Mode.) Instead we do the TSI, (Two-Speed-Idle,) test, so I don't get to drive them a lot.
Nevertheless, how many of you have even gotten to drive one onto the dyne, or even sit in one, for that matter?
Take what you can get out of life and enjoy it, that's what I say.
Tuesday or Wednesday, Drew's parents should be stopping by. Probably only for an hour or two, but... I'd love to get them to go for a short hike. Just a mile or two, so we'd get a minute or two for talking. You know how that goes.
Nevertheless, at the risk of repeating my self, take what you can get out of life ...
Now, for tomorrow...
What am I going to do?
I've got this link to The Steepest Hikes in the Bay Area.
I'm looking at some of them.
I don't know yet, although I've only got a few more hours to decide, and to get up and go.
Matt Davis- Steep Ravine?
Tomales Point?
Rock Spring?
Buzzard's Roost?
Sky? (I went camping here once, back in the early '80's. I picked it because it was the shortest route. Little did I know it was the steepest.)
These are only a few of the ideas. I'm gonna have to work at this or give up on the whole idea altogether. I don't guess I'm quite prepared to quit, just yet, so I guess I'll have to work at things, huh?
Y'all have a good day now, ya hear?
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