Sunday, February 27, 2011

Evolution or not?

It always amazes me when fundamental Christians, (among others,) claim there is no such thing as evolution. They should try examining the facts, instead of believing people like preachers, who are manipulating them for their own profit.

Evolution has been proven. When scientists use the word 'theory,' it means something entirely different than when a layman uses it. It does NOT mean a 'guess.'

Don't believe in evolution? Where do different breeds of dogs come from? Breeding is simply forced evolution on a faster timeline. Why do you think you still catch colds and flu every year instead of developing an immunity? Because they evolve.

More importantly, my God, the one who created everything you can see, everything you can't see, and everything you can imagine, created evolution to make his universe much more interesting. It is a constantly changing, and evolving universe, always with something new and unknown happening. That takes much more power and imagination that a simple two-dimensional, static photograph type of universe, designed to fulfill man's ego for being the height of creation.

Also, we did NOT 'come from' monkeys. We came from a common ancestor. Why are there still monkeys then? For the same reason you still have brunette children after having a blonde one.

What, you think God said, 'Poof,' and everything just happened?

Hell no! God created physics and used it to create everything else.
Even Genesis teaches physics.
"Let there be light and there was light... let there be firmament and there was firmament... and the word was good"
When you split atoms you get heat, light, and dense physical matter. This is simple physics.

I'm sorry your god is so weak, unimaginative, and powerless.
Wake up and meet the real God, who created things far beyond your or my imagination.

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