Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Alamere Falls - been there, done that.

Alamere Falls, in point Reyes is a wonderful falls and a great hike.
It's 8.5 miles to the top of the falls and 40 feet to the bottom, although I passed up on the path down the cliff and walked another 3 miles to get to the bottom. From the bottom I saw several people climb down so I considered going back up there and saving that 3 miles the second time. I checked it out, then checked it out again and still decided that I'd just go ahead and walk around.
Falling off a cliff and getting injured wasn't in my itinerary for the day.
Up above the falls with Point Reyes and Drakes Bay behind me.
The tides is in so there isn't much beach right now.
Looking back from the hike to the bottom of the falls. 
You can see the falls in the second cove from the right.  
You can also see the path I took to get here.
A 24X view from the same spot.
Ranger Rick on horseback showing some other riders the falls.
A view from the base of the falls.
And about another 7 miles back to my car.
All in all, a beautiful Christmas eve.

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